Beautiful and meaningful daily affirmations...

Peace and Harmony

# I Am Always Sustained In Love. I AM the master success consciousness made manifest 
by means of my Divine expression. I AM always sustained in love, peace, clarity and wisdom. My powerful life is Spirit’s expression of successful living in action. The infinite, powerfully flows through me in a Divine direction for the good of all. I live in the joyous expectancy of all good NOW! And, so it is!  

#I Am Peaceful and Calm. I am peaceful and calm any thought or feeling that is not peaceful and harmonious is now dissolved. I release all worldly pressures and retreat to a calm inner space where I find serenity. I feel renewed and energized by Spirit’s wisdom and peace that creates right balance in my life. I feel relaxed, confident and awakened to the totality of my potential being fully expressed every moment. I rejoice and give thanks for peace of mind and heart. I am peaceful and calm, and so it is! 

#I Do What I Love To Do Successfully. I let Spirit work in and through me to meet every need, solve every challenge and fulfill my good in expected and unexpected ways. Because I have surrendered toGod’s activity, the only power at work in my life, I am fully prepared to graciously accept what comes with every demonstration. I now, willingly let go, as infinite intelligence manifests its perfect work through me, and so it is!

# I Am Inspired About My Vision. I am inspired about my vision, enthused about its outcome and committed to my full creative self-being expressed. All of life supports my willingness to be authentically me. I right now, am attracting all the necessary opportunities for successful living. I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I accept this demonstration as my daily experience, I give thanks for it, and so it is!

#I Am Whole, Complete and Perfect
I am whole, complete and perfect. I am grateful for my
natural ability to attract loving and harmonious
relationships. I accept and expect an ever-increasing
financial flow of abundance in my life. I am thankful for
the limitless opportunities that I have to successfully
express my unique creativity. I see the perfect pattern
of my life unfolding before me in every right way. I
give thanks for the fulfillment of this truth now. With
absolute faith I release it and let it be. And, so it is!

#Blessed Relationships
I am united with all people in a complete and perfect circle. I attract people with a fresh and stimulating attitude. Everywhere I go, I attract love, peace and harmony. I am a rich blessing to all. I see each day as an opportunity to share love.

#Faith and a Positive Outlook
What I think about I bring about.
I expect my word to accomplish its purpose.
Right action governs my life.
I meet every challenge as an opportunity.
Divine intelligence thinks through me and brings out my greatest good.
I have plenty of time for everything.
I deserve and accept the best.
I surrender to God’s activity as the only power at work in my life.
With every delay a blessing is on its way.
I work efficiently and everything I do works out right.
Ask and it shall be given unto you.
I am heir to the kingdom.
Divine right action is always working in my life. Only good comes to me.
I am strong and confident. My faith carries me to victory.
The victory is complete.
I am beautiful, loving and powerful right now.
I know what to do, how to do it and I do it beautifully.
My good is being fulfilled right now.
I expect the best and the best always happens.
I am open and receptive to greater good and greater understanding.
I am a blessing. I am blessed.
The universe is always saying “yes!”
I see each day as an opportunity to share love.
I let go and let God.
I have an invincible faith.

Author: Pam MacGregor


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